
Friday, 24 June 2016


Rarawa was busy kneading dough when Api running and tell everyone that the government is coming  but aunty Maata told him not to worry. Two more weeks until the soldiers come.  Api read a proclamation.
Te Whiti and Tohu called everyone for a meeting. Aunty Maata shooed Api out and also told Rarawa to go for a swim.
Messengers were already heading out of the pa. Tohu and Te Whiti made decisions together. Rawa had a swim and she saw Rangi sitting on a big rock. Rawa heard that soldiers are coming. The Pakeha government were taking down the fences and destroying crops. The people of Parihaka turned their swords into ploughshares. Just like in the bible.

Caterpillar clider


Today I played this game called caterpillar clider. To play this game you have to put the small number to big number in the tree. And the caterpillar will eat it. This game is very easy and  I really enjoyed it.

Narrative writing

Sunset appeared and Scruffy is taking a bath outside. Miranda sigh, “This is the fifth time I bathed you Scruffy.”  “ARF!” Barked scruffy. Miranda giggled.  Bubbles floating are in the air, Scruffy tried to catch it, but Miranda forced him to sit. “After this Scruffy I am going to dry you up and take you inside.”  But Scruffy didn’t listen. He jumped out of his bathtub and rolled on the grass. Miranda cried. “Nooo Scruffy!!”

Finally, a dog has created a problem.

It was too late. He rolled on the grass and….. Licking it! “Ewww” Miranda looked back. Suddenly a butterfly flying across her head, then  across to Scruffy and landed on  his nose. Scruffy barked, “ARF, ARF!” The butterfly flew away and Scruffy chased the butterfly.The butterfly flew across the muddy puddle. Scruffy knew that the muddy puddle was right in front of him, but he didn’t care. He jumped very far enough to reach the butterfly and… SPLASH! He’s in the mud! Miranda ran up, huffing and puffing, then she look down at Scruffy. “You're in trouble!” Yelled Miranda. Scruffy stared down at the mud, then walked back to his bathtub.

Resolution has finally found.

Miranda followed him and she could tell that Scruffy is very sad. Scruffy hopped in the bathtub. Miranda took the scrubbing and scrub the mud off. She looked at him, Scruffy’s head still down. “I’m sorry I yelled at you Scruffy, it’s for your own good.” Scruffy looked at her, then he looked down again. Mariand smiled at him and said,“I will give you doggy treats after this.” Then Scruffy put both of his paws at the top of Miranda's chest and he licked her face. He was happy. “Okay,okay enough with the sloppy kisses.” Miranda stopped him. Miranda lifted him out of the bath tub and dried him.

After Miranda dride him up, she lifted him and walked inside to the kitchen.  Miranda put him down gave him 4 doggy treats. For second she could barely hear him munching all those treats. Miranda giggled and kissed him on his forehead. “I will never, ever shout or yell at you again Scruffy.

Then their life was good.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Easttle Strands


This morning Rm8 did a strand e asttle test. I was perplex because I couldn’t understand the question that has been given. That is why I got a 3B. I am unhappy. Next time I really want to get a 4B!

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Basic facts


This week my class has been doing basic facts. At this time we did timed. It was perplexing  because the time went a little faster.I only had 5 seconds to answer each question. I got 47 percent on stage six. I was unhappy because I want to reach up to 80 percent. Next time I will speed up a bit and hopefully I will get an 80%.  

Tuesday, 7 June 2016



Poem about addiction:

This week my group has been learning and researching about addiction. Addiction is a word that usually refers to drugs, smokes and alcohol. Yesterday we wrote a poem about addictions and also created a poster to let people know that addiction can kill. I found learning about addictions really interesting. This is linked to our topic study the “Human Anatomy.

Friday, 3 June 2016

How to draw a scatter graph

WALHT draw a scatter graph

This week I learned how to draw a scatter graph. First, I made 3 different sizes of paper planes. Big,medium and small. I drew a table in my maths book to record the distance that my paper plane flew. I needed to work with a partner. So I worked with Trinity. I picked up 2 measuring tapes and walked outside so we could begin. Trinity started with her big plane first. She didn’t much luck as her plane didn't fly far. So I took a measuring tape and measured the distance of the distance the plane flew in centimeters. It was my turn and I started with my big plane. It went further than Trinitys plane. She picked up the measuring tape and measured the distance of my plane. She said it flew 312 cm. Not bad. After we finished recording the three planes, we plotted our measurements on the graph paper . After that, we draw a line to join as many points a possible.